Monday 3 August 2015

A world of dog

                                   A world of dogs                                                        Thousand of years ago man and dog teamed up together each benefiting from the other's company .As the years progressed different  types of dog evolved some to hunt with man others to work in different ways and others purely as companions.                                                                                                                                                                  

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1-Globular eyes

Globular eyes are round in shape and somewhat prominent although they are not bulging profile.


2-Haw eyes 

Haw eyes are specific to breeds in which the haw (inner lining of the lower eyelid )is visible as in Bloodhound.

3- Almond Eyes                                                                                   

Almond eye are effective oval in shape but bluntly pointed at both corners and can be found in breeds
such as the lrish water spaniel, finnish spitz ,german shepherd dog and borzoi.

4-Deep-set eyes                                                                                  

Deep-set eyes also sometime called well sunken eyes are those in which the eyeballs are seated well back into deep eye sockets making the eyes well recessed into the skull the eyes of a chow chow are deep set   .                                                                                                         



5-Obliquely placed eyes                                                                         

Obliquely placed eyes which are some time referred to as mongolian eyes, have the outer corner situated higher up in the skull than the inner corners breeds in which such eye placement is correct include the Alaskan Malamute the bull terrier ,the finnish  spitz and the flat coated retriever.

6-Oval eyes                                                                                       

Many different breeds have oval eye and this term can in most cases also be described as an oblong eye Dachshund as an oblong eye Dachshunds have typical over eyes.


7-Round eyes

Round eyes are set in apertures which are circular in shape as can be seen in breed such as the french bulldog .the Griffon Bruxellois and the american cocker spaniel.

8-Triangular eyes

Triangular eyes are more angular in their contours than oval or oblong eyes and they can be found in correctly shaped Afghan Hound eyes

9-Descriptive eye Markings ;spectacles

The term spectacles is used to describe the circular light-coloured area surrounding each eye in keeshond which has darker colour of coat on most of the head .


Many breeds which are black and tan in colour have tan spots above the eyes this descriptive term is applied to short ,coated breed such as the Dobermann Gordon setter Rottweiler and basenji in which breed they are usually called Melon pips.


   11-Four eyes                                                         

A tibetan mastiff or any other Tipetan breed with tan marking above the eyes is called four eyes it is believed that such dogs can foresee evil as much as three days in advance


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Domino is actually a reverse facial mask pattern occasionally found in some breed .This can frequently give a somewhat different appearance to the eyes .

13-Eye colour wall eye

A wall eye is created by the incomplete flecked or spotted  distribution of melanin deposits on the background of a blue iris. this si common eye colcour in dog with a merle   


The eyelashes of the Lhasa Apso are exceptionally long to keep the veil of hair which fall over the eyes from entering them .this combination provides protection from the glare of sun and snow in the rarefied atmosphere of tibet . 


Like humans ,dogs also have eyebrows which are formed by the skin and hair which cover the ridges of the skull s  frontal bones the development of the eye brows varies greatly according to the breed .but can be seen particularly clearly on the wire -haired Dachshund .

16-Eye rims

In many breeds the colour of the eye rims are important as is the relevant tightness of the rims .The colour of the eyerims indicates the pigment and in majority of breed this pigment around the eye should be unbroken .Most breed are required to have dark eye rims but there are exception .

17-Third eyelid 

The third eyelid is the actually nictitating membrane .which is the protective cover located at the inner corner of each eye to protect the eyes from injury and act effectively as a  windscreen wiper this is usually pinkish in colour but the outer edge may be pigmented so blending with the eyelids .When unpigmented this is more noticeable even when a dog s eyes are open although in some breed it is not faulted.the third eyelid can be seen beginning to cover the eye from the inner corner while a dog sleep . 

18-Expression eastern 

A typical expression found in the Afghan Hound ,this is also know as an Oriental expression .and is created by a combination of the head structure eye shape and placement colour and the masking on the face.


Gruff describes the typical facial expression of the bouvier  des Flandres ,the tough hard -bitten appearance being enhanced by beard moustache and bush eyebrows.

20-Monkey like 

A monkey like expression is highly descriptive of the descriptive faces of the Griffon Bruxellois and the Affenpinscher.


An Ape-like expression is typical of that of the Tibetan spaniel full of ape -like character   


The chihuahua s face is described as saucy which indicates the pert facial qualities created by the combination and size of the various components placement and size of the various components of both the structure of the breed s skull and the characteristic features of the dog.

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